Great JK2 Cheats/Bugs
Dual Saber!
Start MP game
Bring down console and type "devmap mapname" and press enter.
Choose your light saber
Holster you light saber
bring down the console again and type "/thedestroyer" and press enter
2 extra secret saber stances
two secret stances that are activated when you use the setforceall 5 cheat. you get five stances i weak 2 medium and 2 strong the colours dont change colour but kyles stance does and the swings animations are different.
the extra strong looks like its desanns stance - one handed but strong stance also alot faster then the normal strong stance - still cuts thru defences
im just guessing but the extra medium stance looks like it may be tavions i couldnt see any real advantages with the extra medium one unless it causes more damage, its about the same speed.
Mind Control!
setting mind trick force to 4 or higher (setmindtrick 4) allows you to control npcs! Albeit without crosshair or a means to return to Kyle's body. RUMOR setmindtrick 99 will allow you to control NEWBORNS AND DESANN etc etc. NOT TESTED
New Models for Multiplayer!
First off you need to bring down the console then type in these (You already know..But these work in Multiplayer only I think)
/model luke/red
/model luke/blue
/model Morgan Play as Morgan with a blue tint (Oops..They forgot to make the Multiplayer model the default for him)
/model kyle/fpls I'm not sure if this one works..I forgot the exact name..But its a Headless Kyle
/model kyle/fpls2 Play as Kyles arms...Ohhhhkay.... I was having fun using these online a bit (Got some strange responses) And now....REBORNS!
/model reborn/acrobat A blue Reborn I *think*
/model reborn/forceuser The Red hooded Reborn you see on the character portrait for the Reborn
/model reborn/fencer A green Reborn if I recall..
/model reborn/boss The BEST Reborn skin.. Darkish Bluish outfit.. Red Hood
/model jedi/jk1 I am TOTALLY not sure on this one and dont care to check.. Its just the Jedi in a slightly different tunic
/model imperial/officer The Imperial Officer if I recall..
No sky textures
Not sure if this would help any, but in your jk2config.cfg file.. if seta r_fastsky "0" change to seta r_fastsky"1"
Spawn NPC (enemies and friendlies!)
Type: npc spawn Creature_Name_Here
bind "key" npc spawn Creature_Name_Here
Full Creature List:
munro Kyle Tavion Lando Reelo Jan Galak Galak_Mech Desann Luke MonMothma Bartender MorganKatarn
Humanoid NPCs:
Prisoner Prisoner2 Jedi Jedi2 JediF JediTrainer Rebel Rebel2 BespinCop BespinCop2 Ugnaught Ugnaught2 Gran Gran2 GranShooter GranBoxer Rodian Rodian2 Weequay Weequay2 Weequay3 Weequay4 Trandoshan StormTrooper StormTrooper2 STOfficer StormPilot STOfficerAlt STCommander SwampTrooper SwampTrooper2 RocketTrooper Imperial ImpOfficer ImpCommander ImpWorker ImpWorker2 ImpWorker3 RebornAcrobat Reborn RebornForceUser RebornFencer RebornBoss ShadowTrooper ShadowTrooper2
Monster NPCs:
Howler MineMonster Glider
Droids etc:
protocol protocol_imp r2d2 r2d2_imp r5d2 r5d2_imp gonk mouse seeker remote sentry interrogator probe mark1 mark2 atst test
Map list
kejim_post kejim_base artus_mine artus_detention artus_topside valley yavin_temple yavin_trial ns_streets ns_hideout ns_starpad bespin_undercity bespin_streets bespin_platform cairn_bay cairn_assembly cairn_reactor cairn_dock1 doom_comm doom_detention doom_shields yavin_swamp yavin_canyon yavin_courtyard yavin_final pit ---------------------HIDDEN! ctf_bespin ctf_imperial ctf_ns_streets ctf_yavin duel_bay duel_jedi duel_pit duel_carbon ffa_bespin ffa_deathstar ffa_imperial ffa_ns_hideout ffa_ns_streets ffa_raven ffa_yavin
To make a demo
//REcord Demo - Press F12 set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0" set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1" bind f12 "vstr record1"
Wall walking
after you know how to do it, its pretty easy, all you have to do is run along a wall while pressing up and sideways, then hit jump, i hope that makes sense.
Run alongside a wall, and press forward+towards the wall and press jump. You'll run along the side, hit jump again to leap around in a circle.
Miscellaneous Binds
bind x +taunt to taunt in Multiplayer
bind x screenshot
bind x "+taunt;+saberColor red;+saberColor orange;+saberColor yellow;+saberColor green;+saberColor blue;+saberColor purple;"
bind x "+use;+moveleft" for leaning left bind x "+use;+moveright" for leaning right
NOTE: noticed that when I set g_dismemberment "1" in the cfg file I can only cut off (or have cut off) arms and hands. I remembered that the default value for the g_dimemberment setting is 3! So changing it back now gives bodies cut in half and heads rolling around. Hope this helps.
Note: just type in what is between the quotes
a. "helpUsObi 1" b. "g_saberRealisticCombat 1" [this can be set higher, i put it at a 100, but that is overkill] c. "g_dismemberment 1" [which can be done in the setup if ui_iscensored = 0]
if you find that people just fall apart when you walk by them use this as well:
d. "g_dismemberProbabilities 0"
Dismemberment Multi-player
On the server, set g_dismember to 1. This will allow clients who want to see it to see it.
On each client, set cg_dismember to 1. This allows that client to see the dismemberment. Or
g_dismember 1-100 (1 is hardly ever, 100 is every time a saber blow of appropriate strength is dealt)
And on the client, cg_dismember 2 will give you full "gore" (limbs, heads, the works)
If you try it now it may work a couple times, but will then likely give you an opstack error.
Miscellaneous console commands
Gravity g_gravity x (default 800)
Fps cg_drawfps 1
To turn it off cg_drawfps 0
Suggested player configs
Light setup:
Its basically a moddified "knight" config.
Level 3 force jump Level 3 force push Level 3 force heal
Level 2 saber deffense offense and Level 3 Saber throw (this config is best for light i feel, because u can keep your enemy from out forcing you, or cheaping u out with lighting yada yada, its esspically good if u are using saber only.)
Dark setup:
I call this my "Reborn" setup.
Level 3 Force grip Level 3 force push Level 3 force drain (occasionaly ill add level 1 ligthing but i dont like it )
Level 2 saber offense, and defense, level 3 saber throw.
(this is a offensive based force config. It keeps the enemy from using the force much, and keeps you from using your force as a finishing touch
All known Cheats
Cheat mode: Press [Shift] + ~ during game play to display the console window. Type helpusobi 1 or devmapall to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: If the console window does not appear, edit the "jk2config.cfg" file in the "\gamedata\base\" folder and add the line: bind ~ "toggleconsole"
Effect Code God mode god No clipping mode noclip Disable enemy AI notarget Suicide kill All weapons and maximum health and armor give all Full health give health Full armor give armor Full ammunition give ammo Spawn indicated weapon give weaponnum <weapon number> Level select map <level name> Spawn indicated item spawn <item name> Drive AT-ST in third person view drive_atst Destroy all AT-STs1 use atst_death Crash game fly_xwing 999 health undying Screenshot, without console window levelshot Screenshot, including console window screenshot Wireframe display r_showtris ! Place camera at indicated coordinates setviewpos <x> <y> <z> <yaw> Use Force Heal ability force_heal Set Force Mind Trick level setmindtrick <1-4> Set Force Jump level setforcejump <1-3> Set Force Heal level setforceheal <1-3> Set Force Push level setforcepush <1-3> Set Force Pull level setforcepull <1-3> Set Force Speed level setforcespeed <1-3> Set Force Grip level setforcegrip <1-3> Set Force Lightning level setforcelightning <1-3> Set Force level for all abilities setforceall <1-3> Set lightsaber throw level setsaberthrow <1-3> Set lightsaber offensive level setsaberoffense <1-5> Set lightsaber defensive level setsaberdefense <1-3> Set lightsaber color sabercolor <red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple> Disable lightsaber dismemberment g_dismemberProbabilities 0 Enable lightsaber dismemberment, g_dismemberment 1 Max Payne-style bullettime thereisnospoon Kill all NPCs npc kill all Kyle taunts2 taunt Kyle does victory pose2 victory Reveal where indicated entity location where <classname> Full force bar give force Full inventory give inventory Full battery bar give batteries All weapons give weapons No noticeable effect give eweaps Control any ally that is following your control <NPC name> Unknown com_speeds ! Unknown r_speeds ! Unknown nav Unknown exitview Unknown setobjective <objective number> <display status> <status> Unknown viewobjective <objective number>
--- Colored Names
You put "^#" in front of any letters you want to colour(no talking mark things) The # should be replaced for a number from 1-7, each representing a different colour. 2 is green, and 3 is yellow, thats all I know. Remember to add ^7 to the end of your name so that the rest of the text in the game stays normal.
This is my name----^2Shifty_^3Parrot^7
here are the Numbers, since it's the Q3A engine is the same
1 = red 2 = green 3 = yellow 4 = blue 5 = aqua 6 = purple 7 = white
Change saber color
saberColor [red orange yellow green blue purple]
Enable EAX?
EAX is also in the game but not supported at this time, as it wasn't tested. If you want to try it out, type "s_UseOpenAL 1" (case sensitive/minus the quotes) and hit ENTER at the console. Use at your own risk!
Because of the cheat protection on timedemo, use this sequence at the console in multiplayer only:
devmap ffa_bespin timedemo 1 disconnect demo jk2ffa
When it ends ( I think the demo actually has a disconnect In it), you'll have to use the console to scroll back up to see your time info. It's possible that we'll un-cheat protect and streamline this system in a future release. For now, this appears to be the only way.